Old Age Pension
INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OLD AGE PENSION SCHEME:- The Scheme is designed for older persons who are at the age of 60 years or above.
Disability Pension
INDIRA GANDHI DISABILITY PENSION (CENTRAL GOVT), BIHAR STATE DISABILITY PENSION (BIHAR GOVT) INDIRA GANDHI DISABILITY PENSION (CENTRAL GOVT):- Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme was introduced in Bihar during the year 2009-10 as a part of National Social Assistance Programme. The Scheme is being implemented through the funds received from Government of India. If applicant is receiving state social security pension, then he/she is ineligible to procure this pension. Under…
Widow Pension
INDIRA GANDHI WIDOW PENSION (CENTRAL GOVT), LAXMI BAI SOCIAL SECURITY PENSION (BIHAR GOVT) INDIRA GANDHI WIDOW PENSION (CENTRAL GOVT):- For purpose of claiming central assistance, the following criteria shall apply: (1) The age of the widow shall be between 40-59 years. (2) The applicant must belong to a houshold below the poverty line according to the criteria prescribed by the Government Of India. LAXMI BAI SOCIAL SECURITY PENSION (BIHAR GOVT):- …