
Art, Culture & Youth


Indian culture stands out globally for its uniqueness, with the country’s cultural history often taking precedence over its geography. It is crucial to understand and preserve the intricate threads of India’s artistic and cultural heritage. Since 1986, the Department of Art, Culture, and Youth in Bihar has been dedicated to safeguarding this rich cultural legacy for future generations and fostering a strong sense of “Cultural Vibrancy” throughout the nation. To achieve this, the department collaborates closely with its four well-established directorates:
A. Directorate of Cultural Affairs
B. Directorate of Museum
C. Directorate of Archaeology
D. Directorate of Student and Youth Welfare
Each of these directorates plays a vital role in preserving the state’s cultural heritage through various initiatives. Bhagalpur District, known for its historical and cultural significance, is a key area where these efforts are particularly impactful. The Directorate of Cultural Affairs promotes local art and traditions, the Directorate of Museum showcases Bhagalpur’s unique artifacts, the Directorate of Archaeology works on preserving ancient sites, and the Directorate of Student and Youth
Welfare engages the younger generation in cultural activities. Together, these directorates ensure that Bhagalpur’s rich cultural heritage is not only preserved but also celebrated and passed on to future generations.

Aims and Objectives:

  • The objectives of the Directorate of Cultural Affairs can be summarized as follows:
  • Promote study and research in Music, Dance, Drama, Painting, and other fine and applied arts.
  • Recognize, coordinate, and evaluate the work of voluntary organizations involved in cultural activities, providing assistance for their growth and development.
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas between various art schools and enhance techniques through conferences, lectures, festivals, and exhibitions.
  • Encourage artists and organizations to achieve artistic excellence by organizing competitions and awarding prizes and distinctions.
  • Collaborate with similar bodies and other institutions to further the objectives and enrich both Indian and State culture.
  • Support Theatre Centers for performing arts for children and rural communities, ensuring cooperation among existing centers.
  • Promote amateur dramatic activities, sponsor festivals, and hold exhibitions of painting, photography, and sculpture.
  • Recognize artists for outstanding achievements in visual art forms.
  • Encourage the establishment of institutions for training and research in various art fields.
  • Publish and promote literature on art.
  • Award scholarships and prizes to deserving artists.
  • Foster the revival and development of vanishing art forms.
  • Promote the study of traditional art and craft techniques and support surviving indigenous craftsmen, painters, and sculptors.
  • Develop and promote the diversity and uniqueness of various state art forms, enriching public consciousness about their cultural heritage.
  • Create programs to involve the youth of the state in cultural activities related to the preservation, development, and dissemination of cultural heritage.
  • Pursue activities that strengthen cultural interlinkages among different cultural zones of the state, such as Mithila, Magadh, Bhojpur, Bajjika, and Angika.

To achieve these aims, the Directorate operates through two academies: Bihar Sangeet Natak Academy and Bihar Lalit Kala Academy. In Bhagalpur District, these objectives are particularly significant. The district’s rich cultural heritage is supported through initiatives that promote local art forms, provide platforms for artists, and engage the
community in preserving and celebrating their unique cultural identity.

Cultural Mapping of Bhagalpur

Exploring Bhagalpur’s Cultural Tapestry: A Call to Artists
We are delighted to announce the launch of a pioneering initiative by the Office of the District Art and Culture Officer, Bhagalpur: the Cultural MappingProgram. Commencing from July 1, 2024, this ambitious project aims to create a comprehensive digital database showcasing the rich tapestry of arts and culture across Bhagalpur District.The Cultural Mapping Program invites artists from diverse genres—be itmusic, dance, drama, painting, sculpture, crafts, or any other form of artisticexpression—to participate by filling out the Artist Registration Form availableon our website. Through this initiative, we aspire to identify, document, andcelebrate the varied art forms and talented artists that contribute to Bhagalpur’s cultural landscape.By collating this data digitally, we aim to preserve and promote Bhagalpur’scultural heritage, ensuring that every art form and artist receives therecognition they deserve. This initiative also serves to foster a sense ofcommunity and pride in our cultural identity.Artists, enthusiasts, and cultural stakeholders are encouraged to join us inthis endeavor to showcase the vibrant arts scene of Bhagalpur District. Letus come together to celebrate and safeguard our cultural legacy forgenerations to come.Ankit RanjanDistrict Art and Culture officerBhagalpur[Upload Google Form for Artist Registration.

  • 1. Grant Scheme:Under this initiative, artists and cultural organizations receive financialsupport for their creative projects and programs. This scheme aims toencourage and acknowledge their outstanding contributions to the field of artand culture.
  • 2. Artist Aid Fund:Designed to provide assistance to artists facing financial difficulties, this fundacts as a lifeline for those dedicated to their craft but struggling witheconomic challenges. Through this support, we ensure that their artisticjourney continues uninterrupted.
  • 3. Awards:Every year, we honor artists who have achieved excellence in various artforms. These awards recognize their unique contributions and inspire them toreach even greater heights.Through these schemes, the Directorate is committed to the preservationand promotion of art and culture,
    ensuring that our rich cultural heritageremains vibrant and celebrated.

Scheme_Grant Scheme

Scheme_Artist Aid Fund

Click here for Artist Registration(Google form)Google Form